Holiday Decorating and Entertaining

halloween is over, all of the orange and black is packed away, and I am on to thinking about the holidays, as crazy as it may seem! stores have started to release their holiday collections and i've seen some cute stuff that I thought i'd share (especially because the good things do sell out fast). these are things you might not give as gifts but more if you're looking to do a little house sprucing of your own before you entertain this season - i've got you covered!

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tree bell ornaments - i'd tie a longer piece of ribbon or leather to these and display them!

cake server - I love the modernness of this wood server. your apple pie deserves it. 😉

wooden candlesticks - I lust after these. one day they will be mine.

waxed pinecones - I picked up a set of these last year and put them in a bowl. I love accents like this that aren't cheesy and don't scream "it's the holidays" because I can use them all winter.

bell door hanger - I used this last year at the holiday house tour and hung it on my front door at home after the tour. so many people asked about it! the price is right too.

painted wooden ornaments - I can see these in a bowl as decor and not only hanging on a tree!

pretty stockings - we don't hang our stockings until right before christmas but if I had these, maybe that would change!

tree skirt - if it's time to upgrade, I love this one. felt with gold embroidered stars.

wool wrapped trees - I bought these for the holiday house tour and again kept them for my house and I got so many questions about them. happy to report they're back this year!

felt pumpkins - I don't really decorate with holiday-themed decor but for some reason these cuties spoke to me!

check doormat - make a good first impression on your guests and not the one i'm currently making that says "hi, we're dirty ogres." 😂